Imagine how empowered you would be if you knew your body’s status as to whether you were in a balanced state, a stressed state or in a weakened state.

Bio Meridian screening measures the electrical impedance corresponding to 20 organs/systems in the body, approved by FDA for accuracy.

The Bio Meridian process uses non-invasive techniques to locate and screen the 20 energy meridian pairs of the body as a way to determine the overall wellbeing of an individual. The test will identify weakness and stress in the body as well as indicate balance state of all organ systems. The minute your body becomes imbalanced you are able to notice something is “off” despite what test results determine. Understanding how to keep your body balanced is an essential component of wellbeing. Bio Meridian screening doesn’t involve needles, scratches or shocks, making it entirely painless and non-invasive.

One of the major benefits of the technology is that it will frequently detect problems before they would show up on other tests. That’s because energy is one of the first things to be affected as a person moves away from balanced health. This means that you have the ability to detect problems and take corrective actions long before you otherwise would, using traditional laboratory testing or guesswork. Early detection is the key factor in disease prevention and longevity.

What health factors are determined?

BioMeridian can be used to evaluate numerous aspects of health which often remain undiagnosed by health professionals.

How is the testing procedure performed?

The BioMeridian testing process evaluates health by reading meridians on both the hands and feet through electrical energy processes similar to that of an electrocardiogram.

  • Does not involve needles, scratches
  • The client is given a stylus to hold during the test
  • Totally Non-invasive and highly accurate
  • Instant report all under 60 minutes

Needles are not used in any way ensuring a painless experience. The client is given a stylus to hold during the test which distributes an energy current to each point. The current is not felt at all during the session as the energy level is extremely low. Readings for each of the meridians will range from 0-100. A number of 45 or less determines low energy such as a weakness or chronic condition. A result of 55 or higher determines stress in the body often defined as sensitivity or inflammation. Any reading between 45 and 55 indicates balance.

We kindly ask you please refrain from using lotions and wearing jewelry prior to your session.

When do I get my results?

Your results are essentially instant. As each point is tested your readings are stored in the BioMeridian database. Once a reading has been completed for each point, the system will create a detailed report for you to analyze with your practitioner. At this time, the practitioner may provide recommendations to help with any stresses/weaknesses discovered.

<Sample Organ Imbalance Screening Report> 

  • Green Zone (Readings between 45-55): Balanced state
  • Yellow Zone (Readings 55 or higher) : Stressed state
  • Red Zone (Readings of 45 or lower) : Weakened state