How deficiency occurs:

Developing a deficiency is not solely restricted to malnourishment. In fact, some of the healthiest individuals can be lacking in the vitamin and mineral department despite the amount of fruits and veggies consumed. If that’s the case then what is the reasoning behind a deficiency?

1. Parasites and Candida

The presence of parasites in North America has increased rapidly over the years. Today, 1 in 3 North Americans are diagnosed with having parasites. These organisms live off of the food we consume reducing the nutrient content of our diet. Candida is an overgrowth of yeast often associated with parasites and has also become more prevalent in the western world. Studies show those with either of these toxic invaders are typically deficient in at least one nutrient.

2. Quality of North American Food

Over the years technology in the food industry has advanced in a variety of ways. As a result, the increased of processed foods in our diets has risen drastically. Processed goods do make food more convenient as it is more readily available compared to the past. However, convenience foods are lacking the nutrient content our diets once contained.

2. Digestive System Inefficiency

If your diet consists of primarily processed foods it is very possible your digestive system is filled with residual waste. As mentioned above, processed foods lack vital nutrients for a healthy life. Consuming these foods make it hard for the digestive system to function properly as it has to work that much harder to break down what it ingested, weakening the colon muscle. With an excess amount of residual waste the intestines ability to absorb nutrients is decreased.

Common indicators of a deficiency :

Although symptoms can vary greatly depending on what nutrient you may be lacking you may experience:

  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Weakened immune system
  • Dry skin
  • Brittle nails and hair
  • Digestive complications
  • Muscle fatigue

How am I evaluated?

Unlike the blood tests your primary care doctor will send you for, there is a non-invasive method which can be used to determine the same results. Better yet, this non-invasive testing known as, BioMerdian Screening, is scientifically proven to be 60 percent more effective than the traditional testing method.

Benefits of Bio Merdian vs. Traditional Laboratory Testing:

  • Painless and relaxing
  • Ability to test a broader range of deficiencies
  • Detect any imbalance in the beginning stages
  • Early detection can help prevent any future complications
  • Comprehensive exam completed in less than hour