What is Colon Hydrotherapy? (Colonics)

Colon Hydrotherapy, also called Colonics is simply the removal of toxins and waste that have collected in the colon, by the introduction of warm water through the rectum. The water cleans the colon by flowing into the colon, and flushing back out, carrying waste and toxins with it.

Colonics is important as without a clean and healthy colon, you can be susceptible to chronic or occasional constipation, fatigue, digestive issues, and other health concerns. As well, colonics is a highly effective method to cleanse your colon, and colon hydrotherapy is the only therapy that is proven to eliminate toxic residue that has buried itself into the internal walls of the colon.

What is the difference between your colon irrigation equipment and others?

We are one of the few clinics to utilize an Open system that allows you to evacuate up to 5x more fecal matter and waste in a single session than those systems that are a closed system.

The open system allows you to release more waste and you will experience 40-50 releases during your session without the need to massage the abdomen area to break up fecal matter.

A closed system does not allow larger pieces of waste to be evacuated through the one inch diameter proctoscope. As well, you may experience fewer releases in the same length session as compared to our open sessions. Often, you will need to receive an abdominal massage to break up the material before the session.

Although both systems work well, our open system allows our clients to enjoy their privacy, while getting a more efficient cleanse.

Is Colonic safe?

Yes. A colonic is much safer and easier than the common enema.

How does a Colon Hydrotherapy treatment compare to an enema?

An enema is limited in its reach, as it can only cleanse our the rectum and the lower part of the colon. While hydrotherapy reaches the rectum and the entirety of the colon. As one Dr. Norman Walker accounts on Hydrotherapy, “One colon irrigation is equivalent to 30 enemas.”

Is Colon Hydrotherapy Painful?

Colon Hydrotherapy is anything but painful. In fact many of our clients report their sessions as refreshing and relaxing.

Who cannot have colonics?

Anyone who does not pass the contraindications (requirements) which is indicated in our confidential intake form.

If you had the following conditions within the last 6 months; congestive heart failure, intestinal perforation, carcinoma of the rectum, fissures or fistula, severe hemorrhoids, renal insufficiency, colon or rectal surgery, abdominal hernia, first & last trimester of pregnancy, cirrhosis.

Is there any possibility of bacterial or viral contamination from prior use of the colon hydrotherapy equipment?

The Angel of Water system uses a single-use, sterile rectal nozzles. The use of sterile disposables coupled with the implementation of the Angel of Water’s multi-stage sanitation protocol with EPA registered disinfectants leaves no danger of contamination.

Does having a menstrual period at the time of a colon hydrotherapy session have any effect on the experience?

No, being on your menstrual period does not have an effect, it is considered to be a good time to cleanse, as your body is naturally cleansing. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the session but, some woman do prefer to wait for their period to be over to do a cleansing session.

What are the preparations I should take before my session?

We recommend refraining from eating and caffeine about two hours before the session. Also try to avoid red meat and alcohol 24 hours before your session. We also suggest drinking 8-10 glasses of water, eat primarily vegetables, fruits and grains the day before the session. Please refer to our Pre & Post Colonic Guide in Procedure page. 

Will I be left alone during the session?

Your session will be held in privacy after a consultation and orientation. Our certified colon therapist will be outside the session room and assist and monitor you through our 2 way radio system every few minutes or whenever needed throughout the session. Your comfort and safety is our number one concern, and we value your privacy and thus will only enter if we are needed during the session.

What are the signs of a colon that is not functioning properly?

There are a number of signs that your colon is not functioning properly, including;

  • Constipation
  • Bad breath
  • Allergies
  • Indigestion
  • Backache
  • Abnormal body odour
  • Low Energy
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Disturbed and Restless Sleep
  • Menstrual problems
  • Swelling of legs
  • Loss of memory and concentration

Can I work directly after having a colonic session?

Yes, you can go back to work just as you would after a regular bowel movement. You will feel refreshed, and clean!

Are the therapist qualified to perform colonics?

Yes, all of our therapists have been certified to perform colon hydrotherapy and the certificates are displayed at the clinic.

Is a colonic embarrassing?

At our clinic, you will experience a private session utilizing our open system. You will remove your lower garments, but will be covered throughout the entire procedure and we do not require a therapist to insert the nozzle into the rectum. There is no mess, no fuss and no odour, providing a relaxing and dignified experience.

You insert the one time use rectal nozzle (pencil size) into your rectum. The nozzle is lubricated, and there is no pain and because of our system’s design, the nozzle cannot go any further into the rectum than is required.

Does colon hydrotherapy wash away all the bacteria, even the healthy bacteria?

If your bowel is toxic you have little or no good intestinal flora to begin with. As in gardening, if you do not prepare the soil and fertilize the ground, plants will not live. The helpful bacteria can only live in an acidic environment, whereas the harmful ones thrive in an alkaline heavy environment.

Most people, due to years of improper eating, lack of exercise and poor elimination, have an alkaline heavy colon. The great benefit of a cleansing program is it changes the environment from alkaline to acid. If we make conditions favorable in the colon for bifodophilus and acidophilus- the good bacteria- they will populate.

After your colonic session, we offer a free probiotic capsule (acidophilus and bifodophilus) to help in the production of B vitamins and to produce acetic and lactic acids to lower the ph of the intestines, thus inhibiting undesirable yeast, bacteria and viruses.

Why is a colonic better than taking laxatives?

Laxatives are not natural in the body, and are considered an irritant to the digestion system. The body identifies it and quickly tries to evacuate it out of the body, which produced a thin watery stool. These laxatives also leave behind impacted feces and waste on the walls of the colon.
This method is often prescribed for patients prior to having a colonoscopy. There is a better way and until now, our state of the art system was not available. A colonic is a gentle way to evacuate the old putrefied debris, gas and mucous. By using body temperature, purified water to flush the colon clean, we will provide hydration unlike with laxatives that can dehydrate and weaken the patient.

What happens during a colonic session?

A colonic consists of infusing ultra-violet filtered, (98F – 103F) 34 to 39 C temperature water via the rectum. Our open colonic system uses a very small disposable rectal nozzle. Our equipment has a multi-stage water purification system and a lighted viewing tube that allows you to see the evacuated matter leaving your colon.

This open system is designed so debris is transported into the drain without offensive odour and without compromising the dignity of the individual. The unit is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected after each session with approved environment-friendly cleaning agents.

During a treatment, you will experience several fills and releases of water. Like the tide of the ocean, ebbs and flows, the water gently removes fecal debris, gas and mucous. You are shown how you can apply a light massage to your tummy to help dislodge toxic waste material adhering to the walls of the colon. The debris is gently washed away through the system’s waste disposal drain line.

Each treatment lasts approximately 35-45 minutes and you should allow an one hour per visit. During a typical colonic, between 8 to 16 gallons of water will be transported into and out of the colon. A good colonic can yield about 40 to 50 regular bowel movements worth of material.

Initially, further treatments will produce even more substantial release of old, hardened and impacted feces that becomes dislodged from the colon wall. These pieces can live inside your colon for years, even decades. After a couple sessions, you will actually see your progress as less and less discharged waste passes through the viewing tube.

How many sessions are recommended?

The number of sessions will depend on the individual’s personal health goals and the condition of their colon. After the first session the therapist will make a recommendation based on individual needs and may also recommend specific products to enhance the subsequent treatments. However, a series of 3-4 Colonics is generally recommended for optimal cleansing for healthy individuals.

What if I need to urinate during my colonic?

Urinating is not an issue with our open system, you would simply urinate as you would on a toilet. With our system, the basin drain below your bottom receives urine, feces, mucous …etc without you having to move.

How will I feel after my colonic?

Most people will feel an immediate relief and experience a feeling of alertness, being lighter, increased senses, better mobility, relief of emotional dysfunction, and improvement of the digestive system.

What are the benefits of colonic?

  • Reduced/Eliminated Gas & Bloating
  • Reduced/Eliminated Constipation
  • Improved Digestion
  • Improved Overall Health
  • Reduced/Eliminated Acne, Clear Skin
  • Healthy Weight Loss
  • Increased Energy levels
  • Enhanced Immune function
  • Mental clarity
  • Better circulation

Can you become dependent on colonics, and could the colon stop functioning on its own?

Colon hydrotherapy retrains the muscle of the bowel to regain strength. The bowel muscle is forced to work against the water, providing resistance much like a weight provides resistance against a muscle in bodybuilding. After the bowel has regained strength, it works better on its own.

In fact, many top level athletes routinely perform colonics to assist in ridding the body of toxins which improves the absorption of nutrients for faster recuperation. This promotes muscle cell growth and quicker regeneration.

How do I start? 

Simply, Call us at 416-962-1973 or email us at [email protected].